Parenting Workshops
I regularly lead interactive and research-backed parenting workshops in group settings. High-energy, positive, and actionable, it’s a great way to get an introduction or grow your knowledge of consistent, empathic child care.
Request Your Workshop
A range of topics are available! Choose the one that fits best with your home, school, or organization.
Raising Exclamation Point Kids
Whether we know them as highly sensitive, deeply feeling, or explosive, our exclamation point kids experience big feelings and behaviors that can leave us feeling perplexed and stressed. But we can uncover the whys behind the behaviors and discover a plan that brings lasting peace.
Who should attend? Any parent or caregiver who at times feels confused or exhausted by their child’s big feelings and behaviors, as well as educators and clinicians who work with exclamation point kids.
What else should I know? This is typically a live, in-person workshop in Wheaton, Illinois. Virtual workshops are also available if attendees come from all over. The 90-minute workshop includes the presentation, customizable worksheets and live Q&A.
Parenting Siblings
There are so many questions that arise when our kids have conflict. When and how do we intervene? What’s the best way to teach them how to resolve things? How do we foster the fun and friendship that siblings enjoy like few others? This workshop answers these questions and more.
Who should attend? Parents and caregivers of multiple kids. Educators and clinicians also encouraged to attend!
Balancing Parenthood and Work Life
It’s a truth in every household: there is simply not enough time in the day to accomplish all that needs to be done. With the demands of work and keeping a house together, connecting with our kids and with each other is not easy. This workshop shows you how to harness that limited time.
Who should attend? Working parents and/or their employers.
The Elementary Years
It’s incredible how much our kids grow and change from when they start elementary school to when they finish it. But whether they’re just starting kindergarten or finishing 5th grade, there are universal tips that encourage the development and well-being of every child.
Who should attend? Parents and educators of kids ages 5 to 11.
Parenting Preschoolers
Supporting and raising children is something many of us do well, but understanding how their developing brains impact their days can be more difficult. Parenting Preschoolers gives attendees a plain-English guide to understanding their development and meeting their needs.
Who should attend? Any parent, educator or caregiver of a preschooler.